The unprecedented times have brought the importance of a healthy lifestyle to the big picture. The mantra 'Prevention is better than cure.' couldn't be more authentic. I got to know of SudhiShakti from a friend who referred to it to me to enhance the immune system. When I looked at the product's packaging, I realized that the ingredients used to manufacture these products are ancient Indian herbs like Giloy, Amla etc. I am reminded of my grandmother's home remedies (Dadi maa ke nuskhe). This motivated me to trust the product. I even gave it to my mother -  She was suffering from post- COVID complications, namely, excessive fatigue, weakness and dullness. She was not even able to climb a set of stairs. I made my mother drink SudhiShakti. Within two days, she saw positive results and had better energy levels. Unlike other potions, she remarks, the taste was also perfect.

  I have started consuming SudhiShakti as part of my daily routine. I have convinced my family members and friends to do the same. I have never heard of any product which is as effective as SudhiShakti. I believe this product should reach the maximum audience, especially during COVID times.These times have bought out the importance of a healthy lifestyle like never before and this product really defines how “prevention can be better than cure”

Madhukar Verma
Senior Software Engineer, Wipro


I was a firm believer in modern medicine. That is until my mother contracted COVID. Fortunately, we could treat her and she was declared COVID negative for some time. But our source of joy was short-lived. My mother was suffering from post- COVID complications, which were getting worse day by day. We used to give her over-the-counter medicines, but they provided relief only for a day or two. They used to treat the symptoms which would relapse. My mother couldn’t do her daily chores due to weakness and fatigue. I kept searching for remedies. That is when through a friend, I stumbled upon SudhiShakti. Initially, I was hesitant to make my mother consume the product because I was in a dilemma about the side effects. Even the 100% organic claim didn’t convince me because I thought many companies offer the same. After much perseverance, my friend convinced me to give this product to my mother. I have to say; I couldn’t be any more wrong about my perception of the product. The positive effects were visible in two days of consuming SudhiShakti. My mother is feeling healthier and fit, owing to SudhiShakti.

Moreover, unlike other products available, it is easily consumable as it does not taste bitter. A product that has changed my belief system should reach many people. I have recommended this product to many near and dear ones and their reviews mirror mine. Cheers to NutraOn for this product!

Vishant Jaiswal
Senior Developer, Honeywell

These unforeseen circumstances of COVID created a looming sense of fear in our minds, especially during the second wave. My family members and I were taking prudent precautions. My aunt, who returned from Lucknow recently, became bedridden upon her arrival. At first, we started treating the symptoms using over-the-counter medicines or homemade recipes, but nothing seemed to work. Moreover, the factor that created a dilemma in our minds was that we couldn’t even detect the cause of this fatigue and weakness. After a week or so, my brother’s friend recommended him SudhiShakti by NutraOn. At first, we were hesitant because even though it contained 100% organic ingredients, we had tried many home remedies which were natural too. But then, we decided to give it a shot because of the fear palpating amongst our family members. Those fears were diluted when my aunt started consuming this product. The seven-day remedy started working wonders on the second day itself. I remember remarking that this was the magic potion that we needed. My aunt started recovering from the first day itself. Thanks to SudhiShakti, she is now completely healthy. I am very grateful to NutraOn for this product. I believe it should reach out to the masses. Cheers!

Shreshta Jaiswal
Senior Analyst, TCS