Delhi and Pollution

Delhi and Pollution

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Other Asian capitals have also experienced air pollution problems. Delhi is the most polluted city in the world. However, Delhi's air pollution is particularly severe due to a combination of smoke from thermal plants and brick kilns in the capital region, effluents from a congested transportation network, stubble or biomass burning by farmers in neighboring states, and a lack of cleansing winds that cause air pollution to hang over the city.

According to the WHO, India has the highest death rate from chronic respiratory disorders, including asthma. In Delhi, poor air quality permanently harms the lungs of 2.2 million youngsters or half of the city's population.

How to stay alive in Delhi's haze and pollution?

Use N95 masks while we are in a smoky or smoggy environment. Reduce physical activity in the early morning and late evening. Make use of air purifiers. Stay inside and open our windows in the late afternoon.

What caused Delhi's pollution?

  • Automobile emissions are one of the significant contributors to poor air quality. Wood-burning fires, cow dung cake combustion, fires on agricultural land, diesel generator exhaust, and dust from construction sites, burning waste have contributed to Delhi's high pollution, making it the world's most polluted capital.
  • Another important source of pollution in Delhi was the Thermal Power Station, a coal-fired power plant that was built in 1973. Despite providing less than 8% of the city's electric power, it was responsible for 80 to 90% of the city's pollution
  • Wet cooling towers are frequently employed in industry to dissipate heat in cooling systems, and their mist emissions are common.
  • A significant cause of airborne particulates in Delhi is a fire at the Bhalswa dump.
  • Firecrackers with much heavy metal
  • When crops are harvested, agricultural stubble burning has an impact on Delhi's air quality.

As winter approaches, reducing the temperature, shift in air pressure and lack of wind allow pollution to become trapped over the city like a toxic umbrella.

What effect does pollution have on human health?

As much as 30% of lower-respiratory infections and 20% of newborn mortality are caused by air pollution. Air pollution causes roughly 91 percent of premature deaths in low- and middle-income countries. Air pollution is a health risk throughout the world, from smog to smoke within the home. Stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections are all caused by outdoor and indoor air pollution combined.

The toxic air has caused stinging eyes, nausea, breathing difficulties, and fatigue in those who venture outside, and there will be a high volume of patients with respiratory and cardiac issues admitted. 


Effect on children

Around 93% of children under the age of 15 live in contaminated environment, which has an impact on children health and quality of life. Due to inadequate air quality, 2.2 million children in Delhi have irreversible lung damage. Furthermore, studies reveal that pollution weakens children's immune systems, increasing their chances of cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and even adult-onset disorders like multiple sclerosis. As children grow and develop, they are more exposed to the detrimental effects of air pollution because they breathe more air per kilogram of their body weight. They also spend more time outside, increasing their exposure to it.

Effect on Adults

Reduced lung capacity, headaches, sore throats, coughs, weariness, lung cancer, and early death in adults can be caused by poor air quality.

What preventative precautions can we take?

  • People should refrain from going outside and engaging in physical activity such as cycling and jogging.
  • If going outside is necessary, N95 masks should be worn.
  • Plants that purify the air, such as aloe vera, ivy, and spider plants, can be used at home or work.
  • To avoid indoor air pollution, make sure our kitchen has a chimney and your bathroom has an exhaust fan.
  • Eat vitamin C-rich fruits, magnesium-rich meals, and Omega-fatty-acid-rich foods.


The water quality of the Yamuna and Ganges river basins has improved during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in India, as factories have been shut down due to the lockdown. During the lockdown, the air quality has also greatly improved. As a result, everyone must try at least some methods to limit pollution.

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